Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Friends of the Library

We have a group in town called Friends of the Library that every year has a Silent Auction for the Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library.  This year I donated a bracelet and earring set made of 18 gauge 5/32" Bright Finish Gold Anodized Aluminum Rings and 6mm round Siam Ruby Microfaceted Round crystals.  The bracelet is done in Byzantine Weave with a Romanov Unit as the focal.  The earrings are two Byzantine Weave dangles in a crescent shape with crystal centers.  MSRP is $60.00 for the auction.

This is a closeup of the bracelet.
This is a picture of the bracelet, flanked by the matching earrings.

The Auction is to be held at the Library on Nov. 10th.  I'll let you know what they bring in.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Giving Credit

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! TodayI thought I would write about a couple of items in the store that are among one of the first netted items that I made. Back in the day, abt 1999 or so I was beginning to discover the world of russian beadwork and beaders when I ran across a site by a young woman named Maria Oldring on the now defunct Geocities Community. She had a pattern on her site for a netted necklace that she called The Karmen Necklace. When I saw the pattern done in red, black and yellow it just blew me away.

I printed out the pattern and tried it out. I'm a lefty and I at first had trouble following the instructions which ran from left to right. I would stop and let my brain rest for a while and pick it up later and work on it. It wasn't till I had the flash of insight that if I downloaded the pictures and pop them into the gimp and flip the pattern that I would be able to follow it. Bingo I was able to follow the pattern with no trouble.

The two items in the store are in the necklace collection and are The Netted Victorian and the Netted Necklace with Pendant shown below

As far as I know, around about 2009 Maria Oldring's site disappeared from the net. That's a shame because it was such a good place for beginning beaders to go and learn from and drool over if you visited her gallery. On the upside the net being the place it is, with big fans of Rocky and Bullwinkle, there is hope because we have the Wayback Machine and Maria's site has been archieved at http://web.archive.org/web/20081217034911/http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8782/beads/patterns_e.htm go check it out and discover the creativity of the russian beaders and as always come visit us at http://goosecreekdesign.storenvy.com and if you know Maria, tell her we miss her and thank her for me :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Arrivals!

I've just added 4 new items to a new collection called The Royals.  These are earrings based on "Helena" elements from the book "Artistic Seed Bead Jewelry" by designer Maggie Roschyk.  They are made with a right angle weave base and a peyote stitch center surrounding a 6mm crystal bead.  The peyote stitch looks like a crown, hence the name of the collection.  The individual earrings are:
The Countess

The Dutchess

The Princess

and The Empress Rosaline all priced at 25.00USD.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to Goose Creek Design

Hi!  I'm John, chief cook and bottle washer, and, sole member of Goose Creek Design.  Goose Creek Design is a purveyor of fine Steampunk and Neo-Victorian beaded and chain maille jewelry.  Goose Creek is both a real life online store selling jewelry located here http://goosecreekdesign.storenvy.com/ and a virtual store in the virtual world of Second Life, located here https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/92004.  Not only do we sell  jewellry in real life we also sell crocheted items such as fingerless gloves.

In this blog you will learn abt new items avail at both stores and patterns for the some of the items available in the real life store.  I expect to update this blog on a regular basis with news and patterns so come see us online and in Second Life.